25 Mining Companies In Palu-Donggala

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MINING on C excavation in Palu and Donggala Districts conducted by approximately 72 mining companies, has much impact on the surrounding areas. Positive influences provide employment and income generation for people in the mining areas. Unfortunately, the mining also has negative impacts on the environment and other issues.

The Central Sulawesi Provincial Ombudsman (Central Sulawesi) found that the licensing process for the C quarry management was suspected to have maladministration. The allegations are in the form of procedural irregularities and against the law that harms the region in the increase of regional income and environmental damage, as well as the disruption of spatial planning on the Palu Bay area.

The Head of the Central Sulawesi Ombudsman, H Sofyan Farid Lembah, said there are approximately 72 mining companies in Palu and Donggala City stretching from Palu Bay to the West Coast.

Out of these, there are 53 companies operated within the Palu-Donggala track path. From the results of the mapping conducted on 27 mining companies on Palu-Donggala, revealed maladministration in 25 companies which is currently active.

Sofyan explained that it was revealed the potential of maladministration in the licensing sector in non-metallic mineral and rock mining. Among them, are the existence of overlapping permits, IUPs that are defective due to errors at coordinate points, issuance of IUPs outside the authority, the creation of TUKS without reclamation permits and many other maladministration potentials.

Sofyan also revealed that the Regent of Donggala has acted beyond the authority referred to in Article 14 of Law Number 23 Year 2014 concerning Regional Government by issuing Mining Business License Decree No. 118.45 / 0491 / DESDM / 2015 to Buana Jaya company. This is a form of maladministration act as referred to in Article 1 paragraph (3) of Law Number 37 Year 2008 concerning the Ombudsman of the Republic of Indonesia, in the form of Unlawful Acts.

The worse one, he continued, there are six companies have actually finished the production activities but do not have an IUP Production document. The six companies are PT. Balikpapan Ready Mix, PT. Sinar Mutiara Megalithindo, PT. Marales Jaya Sentosa, CV. Multisari Bimatama, PT. Risgun Perkasa Abadi and PT. Sirtu Karya Utama.

Another issue, Sofyan said, some companies use partial charging mode in Donggala, then half in Palu City and only pay taxes in Palu City.

There are even companies that have business licenses in Donggala district, but become taxpayers in the city of Palu. This happened at PT. Maxima Tiga Berkat is registered as a non-metallic mineral and rock taxpayer in Palu City, but its mining site located in Donggala district.

Strangely again, based on the point of coordinates of PT. Sinar Mutiara Pangga is located in the big village of Kabonga, Banawa sub-district, Donggala District, but based on SK IUP of Exploration No.540/375/DISESDM-G.ST/2016 written mining location in Dadakitan Village, Baolan sub-district, Toli-Toli District.

In addition, he continued, most mining companies on C excavation activities on the Palu-Donggala track, still has not yet being a taxpayer in the tax office of Palu. In this case, the Local Government of Palu City and Donggala Regency neglected to conduct data collection, verification and supervision on Non-Metallic Minerals and Rock mining companies which resulted in reduced or lost potential of regional income in the form of local taxes.

Therefore, Sofyan said, the representative of Ombudsman in Central Sulawesi sent a recommendation to some related parties. Among them, there are the Governor of Central Sulawesi Palu and the Regent of Donggala whose contents are related to the proposed improvement of non-metal mineral and rock mining management in Donggala district.

Furthermore, the suggestion is also sent to Local Chief Police of Central Sulawesi which is related to environmental crime investigation and investigation and mining violation in Donggala and Palu districts. “A letter of recommendation containing suggestions to the related institutions we have prepared on Friday, 22 September 2017. We hope these suggestions can be followed up,” said Sofyan.**

Source: Tri Media Group 

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