Democrats Support Guru Tua as a National Hero

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Source: Jurnalsulawesi

BOARD OF Regional Leaders (DPD) of The Central Sulawesi Democratic Party
fully supports, Sayyid Idrus Bin Salim Aljufri (Guru Tua) as a National Hero.

This political recommendation was born through the Democratic Party DPD
plenary meeting which took place at Cafe Kemang, Thursday (05/13/2019).

Secretary of the Central Democrat Party of Central Sulawesi Abd Razak
BM Radjak, SH said that he supported Guru Tua, because he was a great scholar
of the charismatic world.

During his life, Guru Tua has championed educators for Indonesian sons
/ sons and spreaders of Islam in Eastern Indonesia.

Even based on the historical facts Abdul Radjak said, the track record of
Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Al-Jufri’s struggle is real. One proof is the
establishment of the Alkhairaat educational institution which has now spread
across Eastern Indonesia.

Gura Tua, he added, not only built educational institutions, but also
participated in fighting for Indonesia’s independence. “Including building
human resources (HR) with the spirit of nationalism,” he said.

During his life, Guru Tua has championed educators for Indonesian sons
/ sons and spreaders of Islam in Eastern Indonesia.

Even based on the historical facts Abdul Radjak said, the track record
of Al-Habib Idrus bin Salim Al-Jufri’s struggle is real. One proof is the
establishment of the Alkhairaat educational institution which has now spread
across Eastern Indonesia.

Gura Tua, he added, not only built educational institutions, but also
participated in fighting for Indonesia’s independence. “Including building
human resources (HR) with the spirit of nationalism,” he said.

Beside that, the Democratic Party will also move the entire party
infrastructure from the level of the DPC, DPD, Democratic Party DPP and all
members of the faction to fight for the aspirations of the Central Sulawesi
people to make the Old Teacher a national hero.

“The point is we will fight for, Sayyid Idrus Bin Salim Aljufri as
a National Hero,” he said.

Separately, the Chairperson of the Sigi District GP Ansor Fahmi
Balcher, SH gave such great appreciation for the support and support of the
Central Sulawesi Democratic Party in fighting for Guru Tua as National Hero.

He also hopes that this support will come from all elements of the
regional and national community, because Guru Tua is a figure known as
Sulthanul Madaris or Education Figure who possesses the ability of Bahrul Ilim
(sea of
​​knowledge), so it is most effectively declared a
National Hero. **

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