BPBD: Don’t Panic, Standby!

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Reportase: Yohanes Clemens

THE CENTRAL Sulawesi Regional Disaster Management Agency
(BPBD) urges residents to remain alert and standby, and do not panic. It is
related to land movement maps such as the released Center for Volcanology and
Geological Disaster Mitigation, Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources.

“The public must take the positive, if there
is an appeal like that, don’t panic. Excessive panic can also be dangerous,
because it’s not rational anymore. We are alert and prepared, and prepare bags,
or luggage, and their contents, according to what has been delivered,
“said Head of Central Sulawesi BPBD Bartholomeus Tandigala, in Palu,
Thursday (03/28/2019).

He said the most important thing was that the movement
of the land could occur due to landslides, and occurs if the rainfall is high

If an earthquake occurs that is strong enough, for
example, there can be land movement, and it could also be because the water
content in the soil is too much, saturated and heavy, then it can occur
If there is a high enough rainfall, there will be
soil movement.

“But don’t mix it with land movement due to
landslides and liquefaction and this is what the community needs to know, and
the most important thing is that we pray in accordance with our respective
beliefs, so that God will take care of us so that such a terrible thing
happened then, it can be avoided from the country we love,” he advised.

Regarding the intensity of the earthquake on
Palu-Koro and Poso faults, Bartholomeus said that Central Sulawesi as an area
crossed by several active faults, the community should always be vigilant. As
expressed by Governor H Longki Djanggola, the community must become friend with
the earthquake.

Hence, Central Sulawesi BPBD said Bartholomeus
still kept alerting disaster logistics to be distributed to the public. BPBD
personnel are also prepared to provide assistance if at any time a disaster

“We also help logistics for people who are
still in refugee camps and temporary shelters,” he said.

The former Acting Morowali Regent said that until
now there were still many residents living in refugee camps. The PUPR Task
Force, he said, continued to work in completing the shelter construction.

“We together with the Social Service still
distribute logistics for refugees victims of earthquake, tsunami and
liquefaction. Some of the logistics that we channeled NGO contributions and
some community organizations, “said Bartholomeus.**

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