Alert! Regency in Central Sulawesi Treateaned to Collapse due to the DAU and the Postponed of Revenue Sharing Funds.

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Ilustrasi : surat Menkeu

Palu,- There are nine district in Central Sulawesi has been punished transfer the postponed of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) on May 2020 by 35 percent. Not only the district, but also the Provincial Government (Pemprov) experince the same things in Central Sulawesi.

In accordance with the Minister of HomeAffairs (Mendagri) letter is 903/9277/SJ, about the delay postponed of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) on April 23 2020 too Ministry of Finance (Menteri Keuangan Menkeu) Revublic of Indonesia RI, so the Ministry of Finance (Menkeu) decide on a nimber of district and Provinces in Indonesia.

In accordance of Ministry of Finance (Menkeu) letyer in Republic of Indonesia RI that is the postponed of General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) due to delays the Regional Government sent a translation refocusing of Regional Income and Spending (APBD) on 2020. Many of Regional Goverement only send a total refocusing o the Regional Income and Spending (APBD) without elaborating in the explanation of covid 19.

One of the district in Central Sulawesi is currently having trouble pay fees regularly, the postponed has third parties cannot be paid. Especially it’s needed at Eid.

A chairman of the Local Peoples’s Representatibe Council (DPRD) in Parigi Moutong district is Sayutin Budianto when he askeds for his initially refused description. But when his asked he justtifies it. If the Local Government Revenue (PAD) in district has well can walk, but it it’s not? Can be Collapse, he said including of Parimo (Parigi Moutong)? Yes, but the Original Local Government Revenue (PAD) in Parimo not big yet. He answered.

Why you are come late to sent of the distribution? “asked the Regional district Secretary (TAPD), because in there of the Local Government Budget of Team (TAPD). E explained when his call’s in the afternoon (on Manday, May 18 2020.) So what is about the of Probincial Government? Why late? Will the delay of 35 percent interfere the routine spending? “ia not hugging Mr. Cak” the answered by sposkesman of the Provimcial Government in Central Sulawesi Haris Kariming on the editorial. “who is the head of the Local Government Budget Team”? In Provincial Government Mr. Koro? “Provincial of Secretary” write the head of the Public relations and protocol bureau of the Regional Secretary of Province in Central Sulawesi.

What is districts the General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) the postponed? There are Banggai district, Banggai Kepulauan district, Tojo Unauna district, Morowali district, North Morowali district, Parigi Moutong district, Palu City, Toli-Toli district, and Buol district. While the Provinci of Governmsnt in Central Sulawesi also tje postponed. Only four district transfer of thw General Allocation Funds (DAU) and Revenue Sharing Funds (DBH) safe is not the postponed of Ministry of Finane (Menkeu) Revublik of Indonesi RI. That is Sigi district, Donggala diatrict, Poso district and Banggai Laut district. ***

Reportase/Transleter: Andono Wibisono/Sary

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