Improve Education Quality at SMP Alkhairaat 2 Palu

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MoU IT Training

Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

KAILIPOST.COM,- PALU- SYMBOLICALLY SMP Alkhairaat 2 Palu or Center Pondok Pesantren (Ponpes) Putra Alkhairaat Palu has received donations of laptops, some monitors and web/applications from High School of Information and Computer Management (STMIK) Adhi Guna Palu, Saturday (13/1) at SMP Alkahiraat 2 Palu. “This submission is a follow up of the MoU with STMIK Adhi Guna Palu on improving the quality of educators, students and IT facilities in our schools,” explained Head of SMP Alkhairaat 2 Palu, H. Sumitro F. Nento.

Sumitro also explained that by the existence of this cooperation, means that the school he manages will be better prepared in encountering UNBK and not left behind in the IT field. As the implementation of this cooperation, it will integrate through ICT learning. “For educators will be held IT utilization training in KBM, and roboting for santri,” he added. ***

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