Fekon Untad Target 2 Study Programs for Accreditation A

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Reporter: Yohanes Clemens

DEAN Of the Faculty of Economics (Fekon) of Tadulako
University (Untad), Dr. H. Muhtar Lutfi SE M Si, revealed that in 2020 two
study programs (Prodi) namely Management and Development are targeted for
accreditation A.

According to Dr. Muhtar, actually the program already exists, and just
continue the period of Pak Harifuddin Tahir. From several existing programs,
Dr. Muhtar said that it is very important how to make Management and
Development Study Program accreditation A.

So, continued Muhtar, accreditation became the main assessment for the
success of a higher education institution. If achieving A accreditation, then a
higher education institution is considered superior.

“I think the target of the university is that too, at least every
faculty 20 percent of all existing study programs must be accredited A,”
said Dr. Muhtar.

Hence, for the Faculty itself, Dr. Muhtar continued to meet the targets
set by the university. Because, currently one of the study programs at the
faculty has been accredited A, namely Accounting Study Program. The Untad Fekon
Study Program is Management, Development, Accounting (D3), Marketing and
Accounting Management (S1) Study Program.

So, from five study programs, we have achieved 20 percent. My target is
to continue the remaining tenure of Pak Harifuddin for about two years. But as
I said, my hope is that at least two Study Programs can be accredited A, said
Dr. Muhtar.

“So to make this happen, our ranks have now begun to prepare the
things that are needed. The process of Untad Fekon accreditation will take
place in 2020. And I have told that it should be prepared so that when it is
visited if there are shortcomings it can be equipped,” explained the Dean
Fekon was previously Deputy Dean.

So, he said, I am very optimistic that the Management and Development
Study Program can achieve A. accreditation. It can be seen, then the value is
almost A, the remaining management is less than 10 points, development is only
6 points.
“By that we will see the shortcomings to fulfill that point,”
he concluded. **

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