Four Pillars of Nationality: Preventing Radicalism

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MOROWALI,- INDONESIA Which consists of thousands of island with all the customs, culture, ethnicity, religion and race make people’s lives more heterogeneous. It is not uncommon to have ego centric effect in several communities in various regions, especially in the current reform era.

It is one of potential threat in the life of a nation that has gone well so far, because it is an opportunity for those who want to divide the unity and cohesion of the nation, especially from remote areas that in fact the level of welfare is still below standard appropriateness. Therefore, this should be anticipated as early as possible by the Government.

It became one of the non-physical target in the implementation of 100th Army Manunggal Building Village Military Command 1311 of Morowali Year 2017. According to the commander of Lt. Arh Sabariyandu Saragih as Commander of Pamtas Task Force, the community, especially our current location of the event need to be equipped with knowledge on the four pillars of nationality so that people could understand and know about the life philosophy of Indonesia Nation is the most basic to avoid the effects of ideology that is not in accordance with the values of Pancasila, clearly explained by Dandim.

Located in the Winangabino village office, Mamosalato sub-district, North Morowali district Thursday (12/10/2017) held lectures and debriefing of the Four Pillars of Nationality to Winangabino Rural Community by Liaison Officers (Pabung Wil North Morowali), Major Inf Rais.

In his speech, Rais explained that the debriefing of Four Pillars of nationality aims to provide insight and knowledge to people, especially Winangabino villagers about four National Consensus, which is expected to further enhance the sense of patriotism and nationalism in the people themselves.

So it is not susceptible to the issues or ideologies that want to undermine national unity including radicalism, “It can be resisted, if the inside of the whole society and the people of Indonesia have embedded the souls of nationalism and patriotism to safeguard the nation’s sovereignty, for the sake of Pancasila’s solidity, the 1945 Constitution and The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, ” he concluded.**

Reporter: Firmansyah

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