Sulteng Is The Largest Cocoa Producer in Eastern Indonesia

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SULTENG,- CENTRAL Sulawesi Governor, Longki Djanggola said that his region is the largest producer of cocoa commodities in Eastern Indonesia. “The production of cocoa by Central Sulawesi farmers every year about 250 thousand tons,” he said on the sidelines of World Food Day Commemoration at the provincial level that took place in the city of Palu, Thursday (11/10).

The commemoration of World Food Day at the provincial level will open on Wednesday (11/10) and will be closed on October 14 with 13 cities participated. Governor Longki said cocoa is a leading commodity for farmers in all districts in the province.

The cocoa farmers’ production of Central Sulawesi has been exported to many countries in Asia, America and Europe by generating substantial foreign exchange for the country. As a prima donna commodity, local governments continue to encourage farmers to develop the plantation crops as market needs to increase every year.

While the Secretary of Local House of Representatives of the Central Sulawesi Entrepreneurs Association (APINDO), Achrul Udaya justified the first export of cocoa beans was delivered directly from Pantoloan Port to the consumer country in 1994. The Central Sulawesi’s prime exported cocoa beans was released directly by the former Governor, Azis Lamadjido.

For several years, cocoa commodity is recorded as the largest non-oil export product of foreign exchange earning in Central Sulawesi. However, he said, over the last few years, the volume and gains of foreign exchange from cocoa exports have been decreased due to reduced production of farmers.

Cocoa farmers in Central Sulawesi had reached the height of glory when cocoa prices in local and international markets moved up during the monetary crisis of 1998.

At that time, the price of cocoa beans in the market of Palu city rose to Rp30 thousand/kg. Many farmers who have large enough cocoa fields suddenly gaining much profit so they could buy cars and get to do pilgrims.

“I happened to be the Head of Sucofindo Branch and I know exactly how the Central Sulawesi cocoa commodities exported directly from Pantoloan Port. ” he said.

During that time, said Achrul, the farmers’ harvest only delivered by island to Surabaya. From there, the commodities are exported to various consumer countries.

The price of cocoa beans in the market of Palu City currently ranges from Rp26.000/kg. At the farm level varies between Rp22,000 and Rp24,000 / kg. The Central Sulawesi Provincial Plantation Office data shows that 291,000 hectares of cocoa in this area are spread over 13 cities.**


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