Sharia Cooperative, Alternative Strength of Microfinance

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Source / editor: Humpro Sulteng /
Ikhsan Madjido

AS A Country with the
largest Muslim population in the world, it is appropriate to place Indonesia as
the world’s sharia economic center.

addition, Indonesia should also be placed as a center for study, research and
role models for other countries that want to implement a sharia economic

Governor of Central Sulawesi, represented by the Head of the Economic and
Development Bureau, Richart Arnaldo SE, MSA, expressed this when opening a
regional seminar on the theme of Sharia Cooperatives as the Power of
Alternative Microfinance Institutions in Central Sulawesi at the Pogombo
Building, Central Sulawesi Governor’s Office, Thursday (11 / 7/2019).

governor assessed the advantages and potential of the Islamic economic system
carried out by Islamic banks, which have proved able to withstand the turmoil
of the 1997 monetary crisis.

other words, the system offers a realistic and reliable solution, in order to
face a new phase of global economic liberalization in Indonesia,” said
Richard representing the governor.

today’s sharia economic development is quite significant and promising,
continued Richard, but still needs to be increased in the role of Islamic
economics, both in the trade, banking, insurance, investment sectors including
cooperatives and others, especially in explaining the benefits and advantages
of Islamic economics compared to economics conventional to the community.

that reason, I expect sharia economic actors to act as the main actors in
protecting the joint economy of society, by participating in promoting the
primacy of Islamic and sharia economic principles that are very strict in
rejecting and prohibiting usury or interest, and can synergize with the
principle kinship and cooperatives that are characteristic of Pancasila
economics, “said Richart Arnaldo.

the presence of sharia cooperatives, it will become the foundation in
strengthening the commitment of the sharia economic system in microfinance
institutions in Central Sulawesi.

commitments include providing business development services and community
empowerment, either through loans or financing in micro-scale businesses to
members and communities, deposit management, and providing business development
consulting services,” he concluded.

regional seminar was carried out by the small business incubation center
(Pinbuk) Central Sulawesi with the headline of Islamic cooperatives as an alternative
power of microfinance institutions in Central Sulawesi.**

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