To avoid slander, Investigate Bridge IV case

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Jembatan Palu IV Pasca Terjangan Tsunami

“You can imagine, September 28, 2018, the
citizens were affected. Many died, thousands are now living in tents, but the
government pays more than 14 billion damaged bridges. You understand what I
mean ?,” he said with trembling lips. He agreed that if the case or allegation
of bribery, law enforcement officers carried out investigations. ‘’If needed, we
have to go to Jakarta as victim’s disaster to hold demonstration at the KPK,”
Reportase : Ramdan otoluwa

AMOUNT Parties ask Palu residents not to easily conclude that there is
an alleged corruption in the payment of ‘fines and remaining escalation’ on
Bridge IV, which collapsed in the aftermath of the tsunami and earthquake on
September 28, 2019. Payment itself is carried out by the City Government
through the 2019 Regional Budget in March 2019. That is, five months after the
disaster. ” Don’t conclude easily. Just leave it to the authorities, or the
KPK, ” appealed to Central Sulawesi figures Rusdi Mastura to go to the post

Although, he admitted to the media, he had previously been offered a
sum of Rp4 billion by the partner of PT Golbal Daya Manunggal (DGM) when he was
Mayor. ‘Sebaiknya We should leave it to law enforcement officials. There are
prosecutors, police and KPK. Please just check until the ministry has told you
to pay, ‘he admitted in a relaxed tone.

Previously, former Chairman Dekot Moh Ikbal Andi Magga also claimed to
have been offered Rp2 billion. Originally, he approved the IV bridge payment to
enter the APBD. “I did not want that time because there was no Ministry of
Finance letter. For what reason is paid if the history is paid off,” he explained

Suddenly the statement was rejected by the Chairman of Dekot, Ishak
Cae. “I swear there is no bribe for me (pay bridge IV). Paid by the arena,
there is a decision by BANI, the district court and others,” Ishak explained
the difference in the day with Eki’s statement, Moh Ikbal Andi Magga’s nickname
to this paper.

The problem is increasingly tapering; suddenly the City Government also
rejects the issue of bribery or fees on bridge IV payments. A number of
municipal officials held a press conference. The statement was conveyed by the
Head of Public Relations of City Government Yohan Wahyudi. Payment of the IV
bridge amounting to Rp14 billion is more in accordance with the court’s
decision. Payment this year, because there are no legal remedies and must be
paid. ‘’Last year there were still legal efforts,” he explained (07/08/2019).

However, a number of members of Dekot Banggar on the same day
dismantled the recognition that the 2019 APBD expenditure clause for the Bridge
IV payment of Rp14 billion was never discussed, aka stealth. “I never
discussed that at the Banggar sessions. I know when there is a fuss there is a
broken IV bridge payment, ” I am Tompa Yotokodi, Alimudin Bau, Armin, Sofyan R
Aswin, and Deputy Chairman II Dekot Erfandy Suyuti. All at once claimed there
was no discussion at Banggar regarding the issue of the fuss.

Marwan, a Palu City survivor said that the City Government and Dekot
clearly did not have a sense of belonging and sensitivity to thousands of lives
who died during the disaster and thousands of disaster victims who are still in
refugee camps.

“You can imagine, September 28, 2018, the citizens were affected.
Many died, thousands now live too hard but the government pays more than 14
billion damaged bridges. You understand what I mean ?, ‘he said with trembling
lips. He agreed that if the case or allegation of bribery, law enforcement
officers carried out investigations. “If necessary, we will go to Jakarta
as victims of the demonstration to the Corruption Eradication Commission,”
he challenged other survivors to be greeted by shouts of agreement. **

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