Covid-19: Untad Collegian receive a Good News

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Wakil Rektor Bidang Kemahasiswaan, Dr Ir Sagaf MP/Foto: Humas

Palu City,- In the pandemic of Covid-19, the Collegians of Tadulako University is getting good news. Where, based on the results of a meeting with the Directorate General of Higher Education on July 2, 2020 via online, Education and Culture Ministry was distributed of UKT TO Collegians.

Tadulako University are getting of Priority, because of the natural disasters on 28 September 2018 and now again affected by the pandemic of covid 19 again. Said Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs on June 07, 2020, during a press conference.

Dr. Sagaf explained, in this meeting, we ventured to convey a number of things that became the anxiety of Untad collegian, who had been greatly affected by the past disaster and Covid-19 today.

The Ministry of Educations given a privilege for Tadulako University, by giving a UKT/SPP a more than of State University” he said.**

Reporter: Yohanes Clemens

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