Two Elementary Schools in Bunta Village have Less Facilities

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TWO Elementary Schools (SDN) 1 and SDN 2 Bunta Village in East Petasia Sub-district of North Morowali District recently successfully held the National Standard School Test (USBN) 2017. However, until now both schools still require the attention of local government and DPRD of North Morowali. To the Kaili Post, the two principals of the elementary school poured out their wishes.

According to Principal of SDN 2 Bunta, Yudiman Mandesa, it is better for local government soon realize his promises to do heavy rehabilitation of the school he leads. They are four local buildings currently not feasible to be used for teaching and learning process. As for SDN 1 Bunta, R Nggaluku that it also needs a lot of teaching and learning facilities and other educational facilities. Both hope that SDN 1 and 2 Bunta have obtained a fence around so that comfort, safety and order of school can be guaranteed. ” But until now there has been no realization moreover our school location is prone to flooding, and could disrupt our teaching and learning activities, ” he complained.

Previously, the national standard school exams (USBN) at SDN 1 and SDN 2 Bunta were successful. What is the secret of the successful final exam? Head of SDN 1 Bunta R. Nggaluku. STh, MPd and SDN 2 Bunta through its Principal Yudiman Mandesa, SPd Petomi Timur Subdistrict stated that first of all prepare the students by giving the exercise answer sheet for three weeks.

Second; To face the USBN both schools also provide extracurricular special grade six to face the USBN proteges do not be awkward and nervous. R. Ngagaluku said all done together with the teachers so that all students graduated and have a brilliant value.

Moreover, now students after the exam will receive the Certificate of Exam Result (SKHU) which results purely from the test results. In order to achieve the vision-mission of this school is SDN 1 BUNTA is excellence to Achievement Based on Faith And Taqwa, he said. The implementation of USBN was held from 15 to 17 May 2017 and each local supervised teacher with a total of six people who examine 55 people.

Namely students from SDN 1 Bunta 26 people and SDN 2 Bunta 29 people. R.Nggaluku and Yudiman Mandesa are grateful to the Education and Culture Office for their good cooperation so that the implementation of USBN is running smoothly and successfully. ” We also as educators work hard to educate students so that later it will be useful for country and whole nation, ” I hope. **

reporter /bureau morut: Pariaman tambun

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