The Scarcity Of LPG Gas Due To The Hoarding

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KOTA PALU,- THE RECENT 3 Kg ‘Melon’ in Palu started to become viral and hot topics in some news media and social media. How not, in addition to rare, 3 kg LPG gas is also priced at a price far from the Highest Retail Price (HET). That is starting from Rp25 thousand to break Rp30 thousand.

LPG gas should be subsidized to the economic community down only about Rp16 thousand / tube. This cannot be separated from the tricks of the naughty retailers in playing the price by taking advantage by utilizing the situation. Even suspected there are acts of hoarding.

Sales Executive of LPG Region of Central Sulawesi, Bastian Wibowo when met a number of journalists Monday (4/9/2017) at 17:00 pm in PT Pertamina Marketing Unit VII DPPU Mutiara Palu Road Abdul Rahman Saleh, stated that the 3 kg LPG gas scarcity that occurred in the city of Palu at this time resulting from games from retailers and hoarders. Because Pertamina has tightened supervision on Agents and bases. Our jurisdiction is only limited to supply to the base, when it comes to retailers instead of Pertamina sphere again, because the distribution procedure from the Agent to the base is in accordance with the standards of eligibility.

He also added that the number of Pertamina personnel is limited to supervise the mischievous business actors, as well as the extent of the area in Palu city so that the supervision is not maximal. Pertamina party hopes to the City Government to crack down on retailers who with their hearts to play price and do hoarding. “We hope that all parties synergize with each other to take firm action against those who cheat, so that everything can return to normal as usual,” he said. **

Reporter: Firmansyah

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