PLN Of Tompira Prioritizes Services

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MORUT,- IT’S VITAL For the life of the community, and can be categorized as the basic necessity, explained S. Manurung SH as the Head of PLN of Tompira new branch since September 1, 2017. He previously served in PLN of Tentena, Poso District.

”Since I enter here, the arrears of electricity from January to September 2017 which ranges from Rp400 millions had been went down to Rp3 millions. It’s all because a good cooperation with my staffs and North Morowali community awareness. For people, to pay for electricity has to be by the 20th of every month, “he said.

Related to consumer complaints on PLN services that are less stable in North Morowali, we will break the target system service. That is a double circuit for offices and outside, ” said S. Manurung. The existing PLTM system in Wawopada Village is parallel to PLN of Tompira. With the service of PLN express, it will add faster the lights with time 25 minutes which used to reach 2 hours to light up, he concluded.

Moreover, one mega power plant is traveling from Jakarta to North Morowali. ” When it arrives here, it will soon be installed so PLN service is ready and will not disappoint the citizens anymore. So if the water debit is reduced in the Wawopada PLTM it can be overcomed by the new generator engine. As long as information we heard from North Morowali residents that if the water debit rises due to blackout, please do not get the wrong response, it could happen due to falling timber or garbage collected in DAM of PLTM. So the water plug into the plastic pipe is reduced resulting in power outages, ” he explained.

For that S. Manurung urges people to support the best services of PLN in the future, we encourage them to cut down the trees that disrupt the PLN networks.**

Reporter/Bureau: Pariaman Tambunan

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