Quota of UNTAD CPNS Got 22 Formations

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PALU,- Rector of Tadulako University Palu, Muhammad Basir stated in the acceptance of lecturer Candidate Civil Servants (CPNS) in 2017, UNTAD only get as many as 22 formations. The amount, he said in Palu on Thursday, is part of the 1500s formation from the Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education which is distributed to all units under it.

The sequence and stages of acceptance of CPNS of Lecturers at Public Universities, including the establishment of formation, are entirely controlled by the Ministry of Education. Meanwhile, public universities which gets allotments, only help the collection of files.

“The rest becomes the authority of the Central Selection Committee, we only accept the determination,” he said.

According to Basir, in determining the formation of 2017, it is possible that all considerations are still based on the results of the analysis of positions, several years ago, including consideration of the planned opening of a new program at that time.

On that condition, it tries to send the staff of UNTAD to communicate with the Bureau of Personnel of Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education in order to expand the scope of science background of a prospective participant, i.e from the field of science into a clump of knowledge, because in general there is no affirmation obtained in writing.

However, he said, there is a sign that as long as there is a clump of knowledge, basically not forbidden to participate in the selection.

This is inspired after considering the formation that was opened through announcement Number: 3691/A. A2/KP/2017 about Selection of CPNS Acceptance for Ministry of Research, Technology and Higher Education, Year 2017. In the sequence number 50, in the position of Professional Lecturer Assistant in the education qualification column, written; Master’s Degree of Agronomy, Plant Breeding, Biology, Environmental Sciences, Agricultural Technology, Plant Biotechnology, Statistics, and Mathematics.

Similarly, in the formation of the serial number 136 with the qualifications of education on Master’s Degree of Health Nutrition, Nursing, Basic Medical Science, Medical Education, Urology Specialist, Internal Medicine Specialist, Child Specialist, OG Specialist, Heart and Blood Vessel Specialist.

“Noting that, not only different on fields of science but also there is no a clump of knowledge, even the placement certainly not in one faculty,” he explained.

To that end, continued the rector, an applicant perhaps has different major or field background, but still a clump of knowledge, to apply to existing formations.

“In Aquaculture, for example, it could be applicable from the field of Fisheries or Marine is widely because there is still one clump. As well as in Food Technology and Food Science, as long as still a cultivation field of Agricultural Sciences can only apply to the formation, because, more applicants, the more likely to pass on Basic Competence Selection on Computer Based Test (CBT) that has no committee interferences, “he explained.

Basir hopes, 22 existing formations can all be filled from applicants with the same science clump.

“No more a repeated previous CPNS acceptance, which never filled up to 60percents of the existing formations. A little formation has been completed, few are able to pass Basic Competence Selection. The far-reaching needs of civil servant lecturers whose retirement rate is higher than the rate of addition, “he said.

Source: antarasulteng.com

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