Former Chairman of Golkar Morowali Will Support Another Regent Candidate

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KAILIPOST.COM,- MOROWALI- FORMER Chairman of the Local Representative’d house II Golkar Party, Silahuddin or familiarly called Haji Aco and the ranks of sub-district leadership and village leaders of Golkar for Morowali District has not determined his attitude will support the regent-deputy regent in the district petro dollars after his retreat from Golkar.

” I have not set the what to do. Later on,  the leaders of subdistrict and village leaders will also got support, ” he replied politically to this afternoon (07/01/2018). According to him, he has been contacted by some parties and political parties to provide support to one of the couples of Regent and Vice Regent Candidate.

As reported earlier, Haji Aco officially withdrew from the membership and management of the Beringin Rimbun Party. According to him, he retreated because he saw Golkar Party is not in good state which does not absorb the wishes of the people (members) and do not appreciate a democratic process of an electoral election in the region.

” Yes I officially backed down. From the position of Chairman and members, ” he said this afternoon to He also added that the decline followed by seven administrators and leaders of the sub-district and 85 percent of village leaders. He explained that the decline of the ranks of Golkar party officials was due to pure administrators disappointment in the process of determining prospective candidates for regents and vice regents elections of Morowali in upcoming June 2018.

What is certain, said Haji Aco, he will not support the regent and vice regent candidate which makes himself and the ranks of leaders of sub-district and village leaders disappointed. “We will not. We can not possibly support the cause (retreat from Golkar). We’ll see you later. Later I call my brother, ” he replied briefly.**

Reporter : Andono Wibisono

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