Vice Regent Will Step Down on February 12

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Reporter/Donggala : Baim
KAILIPOST.COM,- DONGGALA- VICE REGENT of Donggala, Vera Elena Laruni is certainly to start taking time off and inactive in office around 12 February. While met on Monday afternoon in her office, she confessed that she would start on leave as vice regent after the General Election Commission established her as a candidate who would fight in elections simultaneously in 2018, in Donggala District.
Vera who will fight forward as a Regent Candidate paired with Taufik Burhan, who is also known is one of the officials within the local government of Donggala. She also confirmed that the letters of resignation would be accompanied by her who has been approved by District Secretary of Donggala as the highest official of ASN in Donggala district.
” If there is no crossroad, we will officially be on leave around the 12th of February after the Donggala’s General Election Commission announces the candidates who pass, while according to the stage on the 13th day after the draw of the serial number, “she concluded.** 

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