Hold Poso Energy Dredges, A Fishermen Demand that the Dredging of Lake Poso was stopped

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Belasan Nelayan Toponyilo terlihat bertahan di Kapal Keruk milik Poso Energy, Rabu (11/08) sore kemarin. Dalam aksi menuntut agar tidak dilanjutkannya eksploitasi di Danau Poso/Foto: FP Penjaga Danau Poso

Poso,- Dozens of Toponyilo traditional fishermen in Poso Regency were seen surviving on a dredge owned by PT. Poso Energy for approximately 12 hours from morning to evening on Wednesday (11/08) yesterday. This was done of fishermen to inhibit are dredging activities in the lake.

Although the rain fell in the afternoon, this did not dampen and Toponyilo’s fishermen from demanding a halt to dredging, which they consider to be impartial to the fishermen.

Therefore, the activities of Hydroelectric Power Plant mega project activities (PLTA) it is feared that fishermen will cut their livelihoods, there are not many fish because the ecosystem was damaged and disturbed.

In yesterday action, there is no representative from the Company are came meeting the fishermen. On the contrary, The Toponyilos were meeting of 10 TNI personnel in complete uniforms and weapons.

Toponyilo was demanded that PT. Poso Energy which disturbs fishermen in Lake Poso, the action starts on Wednesday 11 August 2020. This action has been notified to the sub-district Government and the local Police, writer by Fan Page of Poso lake keeper on Social Media Facebook.

Known, Toponyilo’s action is part of a long process after they asked the Company to stop activities but have never been heeded or even ignored until now.

The Toponyilo fishermen will stay on the dredge owned by PT. Poso Energy until their demands are meeting. But, in the action of fishermen who guarantee that they will not damage the equipment.

Because, they have only one goal, namely was demand their right to live so that PT. Poso Energy does not only exploit Lake Poso and not responsible for the right to life of fishermen and ecosystem.

Reportase: Indra Setiawan

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