75 Anniversary of RI: Weak Economy, “Red and White” Seller turnover has decrease greatly

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Penjual Bendera dan Pernak-pernik 17-an di Jalan Samratulangi, Kota Palu, Jumat (07/08) sepi dari pelanggan/Ft: Nizam kailipost

Palu City, the Seasonal flag sellers have beganto appear mushrooming, one of the Samratulangi Street in Palu City. But, In order to welcome the 75th Indonesian Independence Day this year, their salesmen have decreased dramatically.

This is because the pandemic which still hits Indonesia even causes of economic growth to be 5.32 minus percept. This made the traders, who mostly come from outside Palu and are seasonal traders, complain. This made the traders, who is mostly come from outside Palu and are seasonal traders, complain.

As was the case of Suparta, one of the flag sellers he met to kailipost.com on Friday August 07, 2020 explained that the current flag sales were different from last year. In 2019 yesterday, he is getting the he is can getting make a profit of up to 15 million, but at this time he has confess that he could not predict how much profit he would is getting.

“The last years I can get a turnover of 15 million from the sale of this flag. But now it’s different, In fact, you could say that it is very quiet, only 1 to 2 scores have been selling well, said Suparta.

The same thing happened to Lilis who is also a flag seller in Palu City. Lilis said that because of a sales situation now, he is worrying that he will not be able to return to his hometown in Garut, West Java Province.

“if like this, I think how I can go home later, there are some were sold out, but it is only enough to live here and cannot be brought back to the village, said Lilis.

Reporter/translate: Muhamad Nizam/Sarifasrah

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