Jokowi’s ‘Embrace Closely’ Political Style

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Oleh: Andono Wibisono

The economy grew minus 5.32 percent in the second quarter is a fact. Jokowi not only turn the brain so has that in the third had quarter all aspects and sectors crawl up. But also in the socio-political field, President Joko Widodo also needs to immediately work hard to turn Stratak.

If not, criticism will be hit the palace even more. It should be noted that the slice of ‘opposition’ without the post-presidential election label is still strong magnet in the era of pandemics and recessions. Jokowi was also surprises are giving the Mahaputra Nararya award to Fahri Hamzah and Fadli Zon or familiarly called double F. The ‘tight embrace’ of politics, enemy (read: critical group) so far.

Jokowi’s move, my interpretation is the breakdown of Megawati Soekarno Putri’s speech at the Gerindra Party Extraordinary Congress a day ago. Mega clearly was stated the need for national reconciliation for national unity. The both PDIP and Gerindra National Coalition’s work has become more intimate lately.

The resonance of Mega’s speech came in and was arrested and translated of Jokowi so skillfully. The palace also announced that the highest star award was given to civilians. The star of Mahaputra Nararya is Mahaputra star class V. If it is given to the military, it must be preceded are receiving an award from the Republic of Indonesia.

Social media has stirred up the pros and cons, to supporters of contra Jokowi in the presidential election, proof of their criticism is useful for the nation and the state responds to it, namely a supremely high star in civil supremacy. For other pro-Jokowi sections, Mahaputra Nararya’s gift to Fahri and Fadli Zon was inappropriate and appropriate. Both criticisms are considered subjective and personal. In fact, it is said that Jokowi has no point in the eyes of the two. Pro Jokowi also are burning with jealousy.

I want to get out of the hustle and bustle of the pros and cons that are redundant and tiring of reason. I try to advancing to Jokowi’s famous political way in the current situation and national economic conditions. Jokowi, Mahfu when the criticism gets sharper and pierces the inner veins of the public. Therefore it is increasingly difficult for the state to expect to crawl from the minus conditions of exports and improvement in the economy.

When the public doesn’t believe it, so whatever the state does in the current situation will make economic recovery even more difficult, not believe of public jeopardizes political stability. Jokowi is all aware of it. He did not want to play with the strength of formal political support.

To Jokowi this “tight embrace” is bitter. How could not, Since the second period, not a single fanatical supporter was awarded a V star as the highest honor. At most, only job awards here and there”. ***

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