Stole at the BTN Complex, Perpetrators was arrested of authorities

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Palu City, A suspected perpetrator of theft with a weighting (Curat) was successfully secured by members of the South Palu Police, on Tuesday August, 11, 2020.

“The man with the initials FB (34), allegedly was committed theft at the BTN Bumi Indah complex, Petobo Village, South Palu District on August 10, 2020, He was secured based on police report of number LP / B-77 / l / VIIl / 2020 / Res.Palu / Sekpalsel, on August 11, 2020, “said Police Chief Palu AKBP Moch Sholeh on Wednesday August 12, 2020.

Explained was Moch Sholeh, based on the report, South Palu police officers was conducted an investigation at the TKP and got information on the identity of the suspected perpetrator.

Thus, continued of Police Chief on Tuesday, 11 August 2020 the team of headed to the location of the FB perpetrator in Petobo Village and made was arrested.

Then, once secured the suspected perpetrator was immediately brought to the South Palu Police Headquarters for questioning.

“The result of the interrogation, the alleged perpetrator was admitted that he had committed theft at BTN Bumi Indah Petobo and managed to steal a 32-inch LED TV and a Samsung foldable cellphone.” Said Police Chief
For evidence and suspects, continued of Police Chief, It has been successfully secured for further are processing and the suspected perpetrator will be subject to Article 363 of the KHUAP with a maximum imprisonment of 7 years. ***

Reporter/translate: Yohanes Clemens/sarifasrah

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