Longki: Children’s Voice Must be Heard

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Source: Provincial Relations Public 
ACCORDING To Governor Longki Djanggola, the pace
of development must consider the rights and voices of children. In addition,
the state must guarantee the children to live, grow, develop and participate
naturally as stipulated in Law Number 23 of 2002 concerning child protection as
amended by Act Number 35 of 2014.

This was said by Governor Longki when
inaugurating the Tadulako Children’s Forum at the summit of the Central Sulawesi
Province National Children’s Day (2/8/2018) then at the Mercure Hotel Hall,
Cumi-Cumi Street. He also hopes that the Tadulako Children’s Forum, all of whom
are involved, will become pioneers and inspirers in their respective
environments so that the wider community understands and lives on the rights of

”It is necessary to develop and
increase the fulfillment of children’s participatory rights, through a forum
called a children’s forum facilitated by the government from the village,
sub-district, district, provincial and national levels. That can be used by
children to voice their aspirations, desires, needs, even complaints about
children’s concerns in their growth. So that children can express their views
and can play an active role in the development process by considering the
local wisdom and also manners “, he said.

The head of the provincial women’s
empowerment and child protection service Meliana Noor said Children’s Day which
was celebrated every 23 July was an effort made by the government in
socializing the rights of every child in Indonesia.

By always remembering these rights, it
is hoped that the community will increasingly care and play an active role in
creating a quality environment for children and contribute to instilling
national values
the child, who in the future will become future generations of Indonesians with
national insight.

“We together ensure that Central
Sulawesi children are happy, happy, safe. Ensuring agile empathy responds to
changes in science and technology. All children dare to protect children’s
rights, to realize their dreams. Excellent in all fields. Spiritually healthy
physically, we support inclusive public services to develop children’s talents.
All citizens also support according to their respective abilities and
capacities “,

The excitement of the event was also
filled with watching a short film entitled “Anugrah”. The
cinematographic work is the work of the Tadulako Children’s Forum in Central
Sulawesi, which raises the true story of a child with special needs (ABK). The
film invites the audience to care about children’s rights, especially for
children with their disadvantages and strengths.

Because every child is a gift from the
creator. The main character Deden, a Central Sulawesi crew member who proves to
us, despite having shortcomings. He also has extraordinary talents.

Deden was one of the representatives of
the Central Sulawesi delegation who participated in the 2018 Indonesian
Children’s Forum in Surabaya. Deden’s parents advised parents who have children
with special needs not to confine their children because of their shortcomings.
He requested that ABK be given sufficient care and care and be patient when
encountering difficulties. Believe in the Almighty, because every child is
special. “Anugrah” was awarded 15 best film works on 2018 children’s
day. On this occasion Governor Longki gave awards to the City of Palu and
Parigi Moutong District as decent districts and cities. Then proceed with the
signing of other districts that soon followed, implementing districts/cities
worthy of children.**

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