Religious Affairs Minister Will Open AICIS XVIII 2018

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Reporter: Ikhsan Madjido
Religious Affairs Minister Lukman Hakim Saifuddin officially will open the
XVIII Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS) which will
take place on September 17-20 2018 at the Palu State Islamic Institute (IAIN)
“We hope the Minister of Religious Affairs opens the event
and at the same time as a keynote speech,” said IAIN Chancellor Palu Sagaf
S. Pattalongi to Kaili Post via WhatsApp message from the Ministry of Religious
Affairs office Jalan Lapangan Banteng Barat Number 3-4 Central Jakarta,
Thursday (13/9/ 2018). “The Minister will come in Palu on September 17 at
15.30, and will open AICIS on September 18 at 9 am,” he informed.
When giving a report on the readiness of the 2018 AICIS XVIII
implementation to the Minister of Religious Affairs, Sagaf S Pattalongi said
that IAIN Palu was ready to host the AICIS XVIII. Before the peak of the
implementation of AICIS XVIII, there were also other activities that took place
such as PTKIN Indonesia Chancellor Forum, PTKIN Vice Chancellor and Public
Relations Forum throughout Indonesia.
“In this AICIS XVIII there will be a presentation of several
speakers from abroad,” Sagaf said. Sagaf hopes that all of the AICIS XVIII
events can run safely and smoothly, without any burdensome obstacles. “IAIN
Palu is ready to implement AICIS XVIII, and hopefully it will run safely and
smoothly,” he hoped.
In addition, continued Sagaf, the participants sent 1,500 papers
to the committee. Furthermore, the committee held a selected selection of 360
papers to be displayed on AICIS XVIII. “Collected 1,500 papers, through
the selection of the selected committee as many as 360 papers that will appear
in parallel season,” said Sagaf accompanied by the Vice Chancellor I of
IAIN Palu, Abidin.
Meanwhile, the AICIS XVIII participants were not less than 2,000
people, there were representatives of the State Islamic Religious College
(PTKIN) and the Private Islamic Religious College (PTKIS), where each Kopertais
represented 3 PTAIS.**

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