Reported Spread Hoax, Yahdi Prepares 98 Lawyers

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Reportage: Ikhsan Madjido

GOVERNOR of Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola, visited
the Central Sulawesi Integrated Police Service Center (SPKT), Friday
(07/07/2019), to report NasDem Party politician Yahdi Basma for hoaxing about
him some time ago.

the officers who received it, Longki explained that he had actually reported
the hoax news since five weeks, on May 20, 2019, but the progress of the
handling was disappointi

of that, Longki claimed to come again with the documents and documents needed
so that the complaint report was changed to a police report and could be
handled more seriously by the investigator. The Regional Police are expected to
take firm legal action against the Central Sulawesi DPRD Members.

made a new report, a report that focused more on hoax disseminator Yahdi Basma.
If the previous complaint is macro in nature to a number of people. But this
time focus on Yahdi Basma,” he said.

stated that the hoaxes made by Yahdi through social media greatly harassed him
and his authority as governor.

authority as Governor is very insulted by the expression that it seems as if I
am financing people power,” he said.

claimed do know the motives of Yahdi spreading the news, namely to discredit
him so he could not make anything.

a gentleman, you don’t have to be like that. As a politician, don’t be that
way,” he said firmly.

asked if there was a peaceful effort to resolve this case, Longki said there
was no such term.

say that the current society is free to do something, then just apologize.
Sorry, that will be in court later,” he said.

now, Longki claimed not to be open to communicating with Yahdi.

a politician, I really want to make a lesson for the person concerned, don’t
feel the greatest, the smartest and don’t feel because the party is a big
person, he just wants to. Everywhere I will face him (Yahdi Basma),” he
said firmly.

to reporters’ questions regarding the slow handling of the Central Sulawesi
Regional Police officers regarding these complaints because of outside
intervention, the governor said that he also suspected that.

is very likely that there is and that I said earlier there were boastful
languages that claimed to be punishing Yahdi if found guilty. Well that’s just
lip service, we both understand,” Longki said again.

Sulawesi Regional Police Chief, Pol. Brigadier General. Lukman Wahyu Hariyanto,
said that there had been a Letter of Notification on Progress of Investigation
Results (SP2HP) received by the Governor’s attorney. In the SP2HP, there were
17 witnesses examined. Lukman also denied any intervention.

Central Sulawesi DPRD member Yahdi Basma, prepared 98 legal teams to assist him
in facing the Central Sulawesi Governor Longki Djanggola’s report on the
alleged spread of hoax news reported by the governor.

Basma who was in Jakarta on Friday (07/07/2019) did not give much response. He
just sent a release which explained that he also really wanted the case of the
hoax spread to be revealed, so that it could be known who had edited the news
with the title “Longki Djanggola Cost of Action for People Power in
Central Sulawesi”.

Yahdi Basma admitted that he had prepared 98 legal teams who would accompany
him in facing the legal process reported by the Central Sulawesi Governor
Longki Djanggola.

the view of the Pena 98 Legal Counsel Team for Yahdi Basma (YB), Muh Rasyidi
Bakri said that Yahdi Basma was often cooperative.

to Rasyidi, Yahdi Basma always showed a cooperative attitude, where he often
attended invitations to Central Sulawesi Regional Police investigators when
questioned regarding alleged cases of people power hoaxes. His presence was
even without the permission of the Minister of Home Affairs, as required by the
MD3 Act.

client (Yahdi Basma) also did not respond to dozens of news reports which
accused him of being the hoax spreader of the people power, in order to avoid
the impression of incentives for the process taking place at the Central
Sulawesi Regional Police,” said Rasyidi.

said that the very cooperative attitude of Yahdi Basma was based solely on the
desire to explain the case of allegedly distributing hoaxes allegedly to him
honestly, in order to facilitate the police in objectively investigating the
resolution of this problem.

what the public must know is both as a person and as a member of the DPRD, on
various occasions to the Legal Team, Yahdi repeatedly shows his attitude in
verbal language. “I may not have the intention of insulting Mr. Longky,
now he is our parent. What I have done so far, especially since being appointed
as a member of the Provincial DPRD in 2014, does indeed have to criticize all
the performance and policies of the Provincial Government,” Rasyidi said
Yahdi’s statement.

connection with the rise of allegations of people power hoax news spreaders
addressed to Yahdi, Rasyidi revealed that on May 19, 2019, on the way home from
the PENA’98 Election evaluation meeting in Batam City, sat transit 5 hours in
Jakarta, for 2 jam Yahdi Basma followed the viral news on the Facebook Group in
the form of posting a newspaper clipping photo with a headline titled
“Longky Financing People-power in Central Sulawesi. After viral for more
than two hours, Rasyidi said, Yahdi Basma posted a status on Facebook.

40 minutes later after Yahdi Basma “suspected” the authenticity of
the newspaper photo, he added, his client suggested that the perpetrators who
produced the edits should be reported to the authorities. This can be checked
through the digital footprint on

stressed that as for Yahdi Basma, his actions were blamed as the spread of hoax
news, was his client’s efforts to carry out the control function as a people’s
representative and at the same time in his functional duties as Chair of the
Central Sulawesi Regional Parliament’s Disaster Management Supervisory

is clearly visible from a series of sentences and in order to maintain
originality and law enforcement, the status was never edited by Yahdi Basma,
let alone “deleted” on his Facebook wall account.

There are Heads of Regions funding People Power in Central Sulawesi? If it’s
true … Sad … Still …! It’s better to finance it: 1. Break fasting, Sahur
etc., 2. Preparation costs ahead of Eid al-Fitr 1440-H / 2019 “Not for
long … For tens of thousands of Pasigala Disaster Victims who are still
scattered in many refugee shelters, living in tents that have been torn and
changing their tarps so many times,” Rasyidi said in detail about the
series of words on Yahdi’s Facebook account.

reactive attitude of Yahdi Basma, according to Rasyidi, was driven not only by
the instinct of his love for the principle of performance as the people’s
representative in controlling executive power, but also in the inner situation
he suffered as a victim of the September 28 2018 disaster, where hundreds of
families shared his biological mother also died in the biggest liquidation in
the world which occurred in Petobo Village, South Palu, at that time.

that was the case where a newspaper headline was edited and then distributed by
a social account, these 30 years, especially on social media, never happened.
“Only this time, if it is true as an edits. That is, anyone who sees the
photo of the newspaper in question, immediately believes its authenticity. The
photo in question is not a fly meme and so on. Likewise Yahdi Basma saw
it,” he said.

in the dissemination of newspaper editing photos containing the hoax news,
Yahdi Basma was the victim of the “Bad guy” who produced the edited

indeed YB encourages the disclosure of this case through the professionalism
(means of Cyber-Crime technology) of the National Police, which we believe can
find out who made the hoax,” he said.

should also be remembered that he added, the edited hoax news appeared in the
midst of the strong narrative in the public about efforts to do people power
from supporters of the candidate number 02 at the time. Moreover, the date was
ahead of the KPU’s Presidential Election announcement planned for May 22, 2019.
Realizing that Longki Djanggola was the chairman of the Central Sulawesi
Gerindra Party, Yahdi Basma’s logic according to Rasyidi, was convinced by the
newspaper’s photo title. While at the same time, the rights of victims in
refugee camps were still too many that had not been fulfilled, which
spontaneously triggered his client’s instincts as people’s representatives to
question the truth of the news, including by “distributing it” to
whatapp group number.

efforts to check the truth of the edited news by forwarding it to the WhatsApp
group, are hoping that it will get clarification from their friends in the
Whatsapp group. Unfortunately YB’s efforts by irresponsible people are used to
make the situation worse reported to Mr. Longki Djanggola, “said Rasyidi.

for the actions of some individuals who tried to continue to aggravate the
situation by continuing to fry this issue urgently and suspect that the Central
Sulawesi Regional Police Chief was not serious in handling this case, according
to Rasyidi only the efforts of individuals were not responsible for imposing a
clear and explicit desire to lust dropping and murdering the character of a
Yahdi Basma, without wanting to see the background of this matter clearly.
Including the brain behind the action yesterday morning, Friday, July 5, 2019
in Central Sulawesi Regional Parliament and Regional Police.

believe that Central Sulawesi Regional Police investigators have worked
professionally and objectively in accordance with existing laws. We also
believe that Central Sulawesi Regional Police investigators certainly cannot be
intervened and influenced by people who are seeking profit from this case by
trying to pressure investigators. in order to apply the articles according to
their tastes even though they are not supported by the facts,” he said.**

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