Residents Of Morowali Complain Police Performance

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Reporter / Bureau Morowali: Bambang Sumantri

MOROWALI,- AFTER Four years of North Morowali
regency split from Morowali District, it turns out as the main district,
Morowali. There are still complaints about public services. One of them, the
service of the police. In this case, Morowali Polices to now, Mapolres Morowali is still based and focusing on Korowou Village, Lembo Sub-district North Morowali.

When handover between AKBP Police Chief Edwan Syaiful, S.Ik with AKBP Edward Indharmawan Ekachandra, S.Ik, MH, Morowali Regent Anwar Hafid once asked the Polices to have office and conduct public service in
Bungku area for three 3 days a week. But until now, it has not been done.

Surprisingly, if the implementation of motor vehicle sweeping, the Morowali District Police took time for days to hold activities in Bungku. Moreover, there has been Zebra Operation schedule that will be held from 1 to 14 November 2017.

The residents complained about the performance of Morowali Polices which did not prioritize public services such as the management of Driver’s License, Police Note Certificate (SKCK), etc., mainly in the Bungku area. Not to mention if there are residents of South Bungku and Menui Islands who have to go back and forth dealing.



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