Pergub Maladministration, Stop School Fees

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

SULTENG,- REVOKE The Governor Regulation of Central Sulawesi Number 10 in Year 2017 and to stop any school fees in any form in the education unit of SMA, SMK and SLB are among other suggestions of Public Service Supervisory Agency, Ombudsman’s Central Sulawesi to Central Sulawesi Governor through an important letter number S-0346/ PW25/ 0070. 2017.04/XII/2017, on the date December 18th, 2017. The governor regulation (Pergub) governing the charges and donations of SMA, SMK and SLB tuition fees is allegedly contrary to the prevailing laws and regulations, even indicated there has been maladministration in the implementation of the Pergub.

The suggestion of improvement based on a public complaint related to the issuance of Pergub, which after clarification, coordination with Provincial Government found that this Pergub is contradictory to Article 31 UUD 1945. Another consideration in the hand of the Ombudsman is that this Pergub violates the principle of establishing good legislation, hierarchy and content material. “This Pergub is not in accordance with Article 5 letter c of Act Number 12 of 2011. And also contrary to the purpose of providing BOS funds that help school operational costs,” said Ombudsman’ Central Sulawesi Head, Sofyan Farid Lembah, Thursday, 21/12/2017.


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