The Government Will Invite Top Popular Artists

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MOROWALI,- THE 18th anniversary of Morowali City on 5th of December 2017 will certainly be the biggest party in Mega Tambang Region. On the 1st of December as well as the commemoration of Maulid Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Morowali District Government will hold a grand tablig that will invite Ustadz Maulana as a speaker, whose activities will be held at the plaza of region, Matansala Village, Central Bungku Sub-district.

On the day of December 5th, the band which is now better known as religious songs, namely WALI Band will enliven the party night with Vanesha KDI who will shake the people of Morowali. Meanwhile, on the closing night of December 31, which coincides with the eve of new year, the NAFF Band will also close the Morowali anniversary celebration, and it is the last anniversary of Anwar Hafid as the regent of two periods.

Head of Communications and Informatics Office on Morowali City, Abdurrahman Topo said that according to the schedule that has been planned, the agenda will be done. “Insha Allah will be in accordance with the planned, and if there is no obstacle, the artists are ready to perform in Morowali,” he said.**

Reporter/Morowali Bureau : Bambang Sumantri

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