Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido
KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- FARMERS Exchange Rate (NTP) is one of the indicators to look at the purchasing power of farmers in rural areas, by measuring the exchangeability of farmers’ produced/sold products compared to the products needed by farmers either for production process or for household consumption of farmers. So the higher the NTP can be interpreted the ability of the purchasing power or the term of trade of farmers is relatively better and the level of life of farmers is also better.
Head of BPS-Statistics and Distribution Central Sulawesi said NTP in Central Sulawesi province in February 2018 95.92% or up 0.44% compared to last month. What caused it?
This is due to the increase of NTP in the food crops and plantation crops. “In February it increased compared to last month from 95.50% to 95.92% or up 0.44%. The price index received by farmers (It) rose by 0.70% higher than the increase in the price index paid by farmers (Ib) at 0.26%.