Medicine in Kabelota Hospital Runs Out!

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Reporter/Donggala : Zubair

KAILIPOST.COM,- DONGGALA- MEDICINE Stock in Kabelota Donggala Public Hospital (RSU) in the past few weeks have been ran out. As a result, inhibit health services, especially for BPJS patients. The information collected by Kaili Post mentioned that the shortage of the drug stock resulted in the service for BPJS patients being constrained.
Asoh, a resident of Banawa, recounted when one of his family was hospitalized. He mentioned, the cost of stay and the medicine initially charged to the patient. However, after it was explained that the patient was admitted as a patient of BPJS, then we get the hospital service. “It is just that the recipe needed to be bought outside,” Asoh said.
Lately, the community again complained about the hospital services. Previously, at the end of 2017, Director of Kabelota Donggala General Hospital, Dr. Amriyani Lapase resigned from his position. The vacancy of the Managing Director of the hospital itself is now filled with an executive representative. The hospital that will be confirmed on Wednesday (28/02/2018) yesterday, his staff said there are still many guests in the director’s room cannot be disturbed.** 

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