Governor: Da’i do Not do Practical Politics

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Source: Pr Of Provincial Goverment

GOVERNOR Longki Djanggola reminded the provincial Ramadhan Safari team not to plung
to practical politic while delivering the da’wah. Ramadan and provincial safari
team established TP-PKK cooperation and Central Sulawesi Provincial Office of
Ministry of Religious Affairs.

‘’As a Governor, I advise that da’i in accordance with
the direction of the father of the Minister of Religious Affairs so that in the
lecture does not engage in practical politics. Although many other opinions can
also have politics in the mosque, but what kind of politics that they discuss. The
clever ustadz brings himself, “he said in remarks release the team of i Ramadhan
Safari in the governor’s office, Siranindi (19/05/2018) last week.

According to the governor, it needs to be conveyed
considering there are three districts that are conducting a democratic party to
elect the regional head / deputy head of the region ie Donggala, Parigi Moutong
and Morowali.

In relation to recent cases of terrorism, the governor
asked the da’is to help calm the community into being less affected, let them
alone participate in similar actions. The society should continue to be invited
to tolerate others.

While the Chairman of MUI Palu City Prof. Dr. H Zaenal
Abidin, M.Ag in his lecture said that Islam has the meaning of delivering
goodness and invites to goodness, not to deliver bombs to others but to bring
goodness to other people’s day.

While Kakanwil Ministry of Religious Affairs Central
Sulawesi, Rusman Langke reminded that the dai’s duty is to provide
enlightenment to the people and motivation that is rahmatan lil alamin. “I
hope we all can also maintain a conducive situation that has been created well
in Central Sulawesi so far,” he said.**

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