The Governor Presents Future Program For Sesmil President

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Source : PR Government
KAILIPOST.COM,- THE GOVERNOR Of Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola describes the role of Central Sulawesi Provincial Government in supporting the success of population program, Family Planning and Family Development (“KKBPK”) in front of the Presidential Secretariat Team (Headmaster) of President, Colonel Imam Subakti, at Siranindi Jl. Moh. Yamin (28/04/2018).
In his presentation, the Governor first explains the Central Sulawesi covering the statistics of Central Sulawesi geography and climate, location, borders, population and administrative government from 2016 covering 12 districts, one city, 175 sub-districts, and 1,842 villages and 175 urban villages.
The population of Central Sulawesi in 2017, amounted to 2,966,325 people, with composition, 1,514,457 male, 1,451,868 female. While from the side of residence, as many as 2,158,555 settled in the countryside, while 807,770 settled in urban areas.
Not to forget the Governor also explains the vision-mission of the Governor for period 2016-2021 in line with national development priorities on Nawa Cita. The three programs in direct contact with the KKBPK program are the third point; building Indonesia from the periphery by strengthening regions and villages within the framework of a unitary state, the fifth point; improving the quality of human life of Indonesia and the eighth point; revolutionizing the character of the nation.
Based on the data, Central Sulawesi Province experienced a steady growth in HDI since 2010-2017. The year 2010 ; 63,20, 2013; 65.79 and in 2017; 68.11. While the economic growth rate in Central Sulawesi in 2017 was 7.14 percent or above the average of Indonesia’s economic growth rate of 5.07 percent.
The proclamation of family planning in Central Sulawesi Province has increased quite sharply that in 2016 in each district / city there is only one family village or 13 pieces. However, in 2017 there will be an increase of a total of 162 KB villages coming from 13 districts / cities, then in 2018 again will be proclaimed 164 kampung KB in 13 districts / cities.
The funding support of family planning program through village funds, through cross-sector activities can be activities; PAUD, Posyandu, provision of reading books, making ID cards, construction of roads and bridges, service of making deeds and family planning services.
Furthermore, in order to strengthen the family planning program, the village funds are directed to the construction of village roads, bridges, polindes and early childhood education, to improve the economy and quality of life of rural communities. In addition, there are 172 extension centers and 333 groups of teenagers / counseling information centers, explained the Governor.
The exposure conveyed by the Governor in front of the Presidential Secretary Team is a series after the Sesmil Team visited the family planning village in Pantoloan Boya village, MAN 2 Palu and Ulujadi Extension Center.
The Secretary of the President, after the next visit will judge and determine which areas are eligible to receive the Satya Lencana Pembangunan and Wirakarya award which will be handed over by President at the peak of National Family Day in Manado City, North Sulawesi Province in July 2018.** 

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