Activists’ criticizestailing waste disposal in Morowali Sea

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Aliansi Peduli Laut Morowali melakukan aksi unjuk rasa terkait penolakan pembuangan limbah tailing ke Laut Morowali. Foto: Nizam
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Palu City,- Activists who are members of the Morowali Sea Care Alliance are holding demonstrations related to the rejection of disposal, tailings waste to the Morowali Sea which takes place in front of Governor’s Office in Central Sulawesi, on Thursday July 20, 2020 at 10.00 o’clock.

This action is the second time that has been carried out by a joint with activist, because it saw the first action that has not produced results related to the policy on waste disposal.

Until today, the sea of Morowali is still tainted by the tailing of wastle disposal. So that the Morowai community especially in the coastal part of the Morowali coast, feels uneasy due to the environmental impact caused of waste.

Muhammad Taufik as field coordinator is stated that purpose of this action to convey public unrest in the coastal area of the Morowali Sea which incidentally works as a fisherman, because their seas have been polluted by the tailings.

“Fishermen are restless because their seas are polluted, their underwater ecosystems and fish in the Morowali sea could be threatened by their tailings,” said Taufik.

The action of fileld coordinator is explained that based on local governments the number 10, 2017 years. In fact the Government must be not given a permission or space for the disposal of tailings into the sea.
The government should not give permission to mining companies to use sea space as a waste disposal for their products,” said a field coordinator. ***

Reporter/translate: Muhamad Nizam/sarifasrah

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