8 Official Names Registered in Golkar Party

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MOROWALI,- THE RESULT of the plenary stipulation of candidates registering in Regional Representative’s House II of Golkar Party of Morowali Regency, there are 8 candidates determined and fulfill the requirements as the operational guidelines of the DPP.

One of DPD II board of Golkar Party from Morowali District, Jumadin T Doranggi revealed that Golkar Party is currently one of the party that many Morowali politicians looked at because out of 8 candidates who registered, 6 of them are not cadres.

“We as cadres and also as a board of DPD II is very proud that Golkar Party of Morowali today become better than ever because it is proven from 8 candidates, 6 of them are not cadres but the Golkar Party today opened space and opportunities, this is a proof after the leadership era of Mr Silahudin Karim, Golkar of Morowali increasingly shows its existence as a healthy party and open with full transparency although actually he as a cadre and chairman of the party to go ahead in the election of Morowali later “he said.

As for the determination of prospective candidates Regent-Vice Regent 2018-2023 period which is the stages of the Golkar Party agenda with a minimum of 5 and a maximum of 10 candidates who register as follows: 1. Drs H Ambo Dalle, 2. Ir H Burhan Hamading, MH, 3. Hisam Kaimudin, 4. Drs H Maidhzun Ilwan Ridwan, 5. Mauludin, S. Ag, M.Fil, 6. Drs Taslim, 7. H Silahuddin Karim, S.Sos, 8. H Zaenal Abidin Isaac, ST Meanwhile, Vice Chairman of Regional Representative’s House I Golkar Party on Morowali District, Harsono viewed that the list of candidates, all the opportunity as attended by 9 (nine) District Leaders (PK) and Golkar Party wing board has been set on this day dated 14 September 2017.

“Golkar Party is committed that the opportunity of all candidates who have been designated as prospective candidates of regents are entitled to obtain a decree related candidate regent through Golkar Party, on the basis of that commitment of Golkar Party expects and expressed vision-mission prospective by promoting the principle of good governance and clean governanc , not the reverse of the assumption that is often heard in the midst of society that to become a candidate for the district head that carried the political party, must pay the dowry “he explained.

In addition to Harsono’s vision and mission, future candidates for Golkar Party, the prospective survey results will also be considered for final decision. “Golkar Party requirements, I as a cadre view that among the candidates who have been set to be important records party cadres are still favored and or become a priority” he said. **

Tranleter/Reportase: Jesica Porogoi/Bambang Sumantri

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