KAILIPOST.COM,- DONGGALA- A campaign held in Toaya Village, Sindue Sub-district, Donggala District by Regent Candidate of Donggala, Vera Elena Laruni is warmly welcomed and responded positively. Starting with her speech, Vera told the public that as a citizen she had the same rights as other to become a leader in Donggala.
” Give me a chance to lead Donggala, ” she said and with the immediate response, a huge applause filled in the room from Hundreds of residents who attended the occasion that were mostly women. Vera said, there are 10 programs proclaimed by Donggala regent such as: working without corruption, poverty alleviation, road and bridge infrastructure.
Vera’s concern for what is still being felt by society forces her to struggle to realize if she is elected as a regent. She also promised to build an Islamic center or a modern pesantren. In addition, it will build religious tourism indirectly.
Reporter / Donggala : Zubair