Supervisory Committee Gave Up With Thousands Threatened Of Golput

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Reporter/Parmout: Fharadiba

KAILIPOST.COM,- TUNNGU- RECALLING Voting day remains 91 days,the Electoral Supervisory Committee of Parmout District, explicitly requests the Civil Registry and Civil Registry (Dukcapil) Parmout, to immediately possibly complete 40,545 mandatory select data threatened by Golput on voting day of 27 June 2018.

‘’The amount of data is very risky if not used in voting day later, because the amount is very large and the possibility of this amount of data can be claimed by one party in the future of candidate pairs “said one commissioner of Supervisory Committee of Parmout, Mohamad Rizal met Kaili Post in his working room , Tuesday (27/03/2018).

Moreover, he said, the rules now require the voters to vote in using their constitutional rights later in voting day in addition to using the form F.6, must select can only use ID cards or certificates (Suket) published Dukcapil.

However, if the three conditions of compulsory voting are not owned by the public, then obviously their constitutional rights can not be used, then automatically affects the percentage of Candidate pair votes. This issue is not only Dukcapil’s duty, but all parties must be involved in solving it. However, the Dukcapil party should have backed up data from sub-district to village.

‘’Clearly Dukcapil can not just wait for the service to wait for the people to come, but Dukcapil must go straight to the field to solve this data problem, like Dukcapil must pick up the ball in the field,” he explained. Likewise from the village and the villagers who know clearly the people who do not have an Electronic ID card, must take part in this issue.

‘’This data problem should be really serious in order not to berimbas in the future, because if in question by one of the paslon then did not rule out will be considered to injure our democratic party,’’ he concluded.**

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