Lurah Supervised LPG Trade

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido
KAILIPOST.COM,- PALU- GOVERNMENT of the Kelurahan Tatura Utara together with the Task Force (Satgas) K5 Tatura Utara Village is actively supervising the 3 kilogram LPG base. This is done in order to maintain the stability of the price of 3 kilograms of LPG at the base level and in accordance with the Highest Retail Price (HET), Rp16 thousand per tube. According to Lurah Tatura Utara, Firman H Nipo, there are 10 LPG bases in the area. Supervision is a continuation of raid activities that have been done some time ago.
“Taskforce K5 with suro nu there (custom police) and staff of Tatura Utara urban village, conduct follow-up supervision at the stalls in Masomba Market related to the prohibition of selling LPG Gas 3 Kg,” said Firman, Friday (4/5/2018). The result, according to Firman found one owner of chicken seller selling LPG Rp25 thousand. Upon this finding the party still gave a warning. 

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