Mine & Flood, for Whom?

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Jalan Putus saat Banjir Parah Melanda di Sejumlah Wilayah Morowali

editor / journalist / source: andono
                              sumantri bambang
MOROWALI Regency, Central Sulawesi Province is the worst affected district of
floods so far this year, after the area of
​​Sigi Bangga Village and its surroundings in early
2019. Because almost all sub-districts in Morowali Regency experienced flooding
to adult breasts.

According to the Central Sulawesi Mining Advocacy Network (Jatam), the
cause of the overall flood in Morowali District, due to mining activities in
the upper reaches of the river. Thus the Executive Director of Jatam (9/6),
Syahrudin Ariestal Douw, whose release was submitted to the public. He said
there were three causes of flooding in a number of areas in Morowali.

First, he said, the mining industry was the main cause of the floods in
Morowali. Then second, the government neglected to see environmental safety. As
a result, permits are issued exceeding the carrying capacity of the

Furthermore, he said, flooding is the entrance for law enforcement
institutions to take action against mining companies and conduct an evaluation
so that the permits whose numbers are still in the hundreds of numbers in
Morowali Regency are only two or three permits left. “We urge the
government to immediately evaluate the mine seriously and openly,” he
said. So far, he said, the government is not serious in handling mines. It
seems that there are no regular reports to the public. “Any company
licenses are revoked and any new company is granted permission,” explained

Then, the indicator of flooding that almost occurred in all
sub-districts, he added, indicates that flooding was usually only in one place,
but now evenly distributed. This is a sign that there is an indication that
there is activity to destroy the forest upstream.

Furthermore, he said, the public such as NGOs were never directly
involved in the evaluation, so evaluation tools were not transparent.

He added, the government should not only pursue regional income (PAD)
without regard to environmental aspects. If the logic is to pursue PAD. He
said, just sell this area to investors. But if the goal is the welfare and
safety of people’s lives, an evaluation must be carried out.

The issue of handling the flood disaster in Morowali, Head of Central
Sulawesi BPBD, Bartholomeus Tandigala claimed to have sent two aid trucks. The
first truck contains tents, mattresses, blankets and raincoats. While the
second truck contains a rapid reaction team (TRC). BPBD did not send food aid
because it was according to the request of Morowali Regency BPBD (10/06/2019)
which was quoted from antaranews.com.

The current question is whether the mining activities in Morowali have
had a positive impact on the community around the mine, the general public in
the area. The positive impact could be called Jatam Sulteng, a matter of
environmental safety and improving community welfare due to mining activities.
Who benefits the most?

The flood disaster was almost evenly felt by the people of Morowali, of
course, it had an impact. Both material losses, land, livestock, agriculture
and captured fishermen in the region. Moreover, the results of several media
reports mention that the loss of the Morowali flood disaster also damaged a
number of infrastructures which are the responsibility of the central
government, namely the Trans Sulawesi road from Morowali to Konawe, Southeast
IMIP Deploy Heavy Equipment to Handle Flood
PT Indonesia Morowali Industrial Park has since
yesterday deployed a number of heavy equipment vehicles to handle landslides at
a number of points due to the floods that have occurred since three days ago.

The deployment of heavy equipment vehicles is also to drain flood water
in order to immediately recede.
“The PT IMIP team is currently trying hard to
fix avalanches at a number of points by deploying heavy equipment vehicles to
drain water,” said Senior Vice President of PT IMIP, Slamet Panggabean in
Morowali, Tuesday (11/6/2019).
According to Slamet, in addition to the deployment of
heavy equipment vehicles, the IMIP team in the field was also working on making
temporary crossing rafts on the Dampala bridge which had been cut off due to a
flood. It is expected that the construction of the crossing raft can be finished
immediately so that the crossing towards Bungku is helped first in an
emergency. “What is clear is that IMIP will help what we can” in
Slamet related to factory operations in the PT IMIP
area, continued to operate as usual because the majority of employees live in
villages around the PT IMIP area. He said, in the name of management, he
claimed to be concerned about the flood. It hopes that all stakeholders
together with stakeholders in Morowali and the community can unite and work
together so that the situation can immediately recover. **

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