930 Polices Placed For Christmas And New Year

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Reporter : Firmansyah

PALU,- TO FACE The celebration of Christmas and New Year, Policed of Central Sulawesi will deploy approximately 930 personnels to be placed in some points of the territory for ten days, starting from December 23, 2017 to January 1, 2018. It is summarized in Apples degree of operation readiness of Tinombala in Central Sulawesi Police Headquarters Sam Ratulangi Palu, Thursday (21/12/2017).

Danrem 132 Tadulako Colonel inf Agus Subianto SE, M.Si. who acted as the ceremonial inspector accompanied by Karo Ops Central Sulawesi when reading the message of Police Chief Gen Pol Tito Karnavian conveyed six points of emphasis to be followed and implemented, mapping all potential vulnerabilities in each region and determining appropriate ways of acting through the preparation of a mature operating plan.

Police can also increase awareness in preventing conventional unlawful acts of terror and crime in centers of worship, places of worship and other places, approaching with elements of society to prevent sweeping by mass organizations, in case of professional action, optimize deployment members in the community by making creative breakthroughs through traffic engineering to break traffic jams and traffic accidents.


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