CPM Proposed Poboya’s Coordinate Point to Modified

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Source/Editor: Provincial Pr/Andono Wibisono

KAILIPOST.COM,- PRESIDENT Director of PT CPM, Suseno Kamadibrata accompanied by management of CPM proposed change of coordinate point of CPM contract work area in Block 1 Poboya to Central Sulawesi Provincial Government in accordance with its authority related to Central Sulawesi Region Spatial Planning Law. Suseno also unravels about the dynamics of KK PT CPM Block I Poboya potential contained in the mining area of KK.

However, the current conditions according to the Director of CPM that by not being able to produce and operate PT CPM so that the state revenue of 523.88 million USD can not be realized. So to solve the problem is requested by Governor in accordance with the authority to form Adhock Team.

The Adhock team aims to conduct a review in preparation of PT CPM’s proposal on the proposed coordinate point change. Although the process can not be done as soon as possible. Provincial Government through the Adhock Team can formulate in accordance with the provisions on the process of coordinate point change with the purpose of producing PT. CPM in Poboya according to the existing potential there can increase the income of the State and the Region.

So what is the reaction of the Governor? Longki after receiving and listening to CPM exposure in his office (Wednesday, 15/02/2018) accompanied by Assistant for Economy and Development, Elim Somba, Head of Forestry Nahardi., Head of Environment Abdul Rahim, Head of ESDM represented by Secretary of Marlina Parampasi Service, Head of Tahura, Bambang Agus Setiawan.


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