Dragon Fruit Pest, Agriculture to Step In

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Reporter/Morowali : Bambang Sumantri
KAILIPOST.COM,- MOROWALI- RESPONDING The farmer complaints on dragon fruit pest attack in Laantula Jaya Village, Wita Ponda Sub-district, Department of Agriculture, Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of Morowali District immediately field by dispatchin Extension District and Pest and Disease Observer.
Head of Food and Extension Section, Agriculture Department, Animal Husbandry and Animal Health of Morowali District, Sukman Gamal said the pest attack was caused by excess fertilizer and pesticide use.
In addition, extreme weather can also affect because dragon fruit is very vulnerable if there is a puddle of water. “In extreme weather conditions like today, not only dragon fruit disease, other plants also experience pests and diseases,” he explained.
Meanwhile, one of the observers of pests and diseases that had reviewed the condition of dragon fruit in Lantula Jaya Village recently said in more detail that the pest or disease attack that dragon fruit is a factor of high rainfall, so it can accelerate the attack of disease caused by fungi and bacteria.
“The steps that must be done by the farmers are environmental sanitation, drainage improvement, eradication of stem pain, use of sterile pruning tools, effective use of pesticides, that is for fungi using fungicide, while for bacteria using bactericide” he explained.
He also suggested that of all controls must be compact in a stretch, so that pests and diseases can be controlled evenly. The farmers are expected to apply some of these steps as a dragon fruit pest control solution, so the quality of fruit production becomes healthy and increases.** 

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