Longki: SKK Migas Must be Transparent

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Source/Editor : Andono Wibisono
KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- GOVERNOR Longki Djanggola firmly asks SKK Migas to be transparent about oil production data in Central Sulawesi. The aim is to avoid any suspicion from Provincial Government. ” Because the data is related to the amount of income that is part of local government in accordance with the provisions of legislation, ” said the governor.
The Governor requested coordination related to seismic mining in the area so that no problems arise in the future and will cause harm to the operator. Furthermore, the governor said that the provincial government has prepared regional companies as a company that will perform 10% of PI. ” To fight for our 10% PI has been back and forth to the ministry of ESDM and also to the oil and gas SSK.”
Longki expressed his gratitude for the visit from SKK Migas of Kalimantan and Sulawesi with JOB Pertamina Medco E & PT Tomori Sulawesi and PT Pertamina EP. Furthermore, the governor said that related to the Provincial Government’s support for the implementation of operational development has been followed up and responded by writing to the regents of production areas such as Banggai and Morowali in order to support the development of production activities in the form of socialization and liberation of location.


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