Police are not Obliged to Ask Village Funds

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

KAILIPOST.COM,- POLRI In this case Bhabinkamtibmas have no obligation to ask the accountability of the use of village funds. The existence of Bhabinkamtibmas is not to frighten, not to ask for the part of the project, but to do the deterrence, improve the supervision, and deal with the problem.
Thus the assertion of Baharkam Police Headquarters, Kombes Zuhdi B. Arrasuli in front of the Provincial Coordinating Meeting to Optimize Direction and Policy of Village Fund Management conducted by PMD Central Sulawesi Office at Swiss-Bell Hotel, Thursday, 22/2.
Zuhdi who socialized memorandum of understanding between Kemendes PDTT, Kemendagri and Polri stated that the existence of Bhabinkamtibmas who do mentoring should not be a burden. The village heads need not be afraid or suspicious of the presence of Bhabinkamtibmas to support village funds. “This Memorandum of Understanding is in the nature of assistance and prevents the occurrence of village funding problems and to ensure that everything can run properly,” he explained.


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