Longki: The Cadres Should Not Use Two-Foot System

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Reporter/Source : Firmansyah/antaranews.com

KAILIPOST.COM,- SULTENG- Last night, on 1 April 2018, The Greater Indonesia Movement Party (Gerindra) of Central Sulawesi declares Prabowo Subianto, its General Chairman to step forward to become a presidential candidate in the 2019 presidential election.
Chairman of Gerindra Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola when the declaration asserted as Gerindra cadres must be loyal and consistent in their support for candidates. In accordance with the statement, Chairman Prabowo Subianto expects support from the region.
“I look forward to all the cadres and supporters of Gerindra in Central Sulawesi not to wear a two-foot system. The meaning of loyalty to the party is expected. Last time I met Prabowo, he still doubts the readiness of members in the area. According to him, we do not need to waste money if there is no togetherness among the party. Through this statement, we declare that Central Sulawesi is ready to fight for Prabowo, ” he concluded.
The results of regional support related to Prabowo’s appointment will be discussed at the national coordination meeting of Gerindra Party on April 11, 2018.
“As scheduled, Prabowo Subianto’s declaration as a presidential candidate will be held on Sunday, April 1, 2018. The Declaration will be our title at 19.30 WITA, “said Andi Risman, Head of the DPD Office of Gerindra, Central Sulawesi Party, Friday, March 30, 2018. According to Risman, the declaration will be attended by leaders of the Gerindra Party Leadership Board of 13 districts and cities throughout Central Sulawesi Board of DPD. The appointment declaration of former Commander- General of the Army’s Special Forces Corps was concentrated in the Office of DPD of the Gerindra Party of Central Sulawesi, at Jalan Elang Number 77, Palu.
Chairman of the DPD Party Gerindra Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola expressed support to Prabowo Subianto to become Presidential Candidate is the decision of all leaders DPD, DPC and cadres’ aspirations of Central Sulawesi. “The Declaration of Prabowo’s appointment will be held by the Board of DPD of Gerindra Party in Indonesia in its respective territory. And for Central Sulawesi, we will choose on April 1, 2018, “said the politician who is also the Governor of Central Sulawesi.
In Central Sulawesi, the Gerindra Party became the 2nd winner in the 2014 election back then. Gerindra is under the Golkar Party which earned 274,610 votes, equivalent to 19.27 percent of the total valid votes of 1,424,748 votes.
The medium Gerindra earn 182,217 votes or equivalent to 12.78 percent. With that capital, Gerindra of Central Sulawesi is sure to contribute the votes for Prabowo’s victory in General Election on 2019. In the national scale, Gerindra is ranked third after PDI Perjuangan and Golkar Party. In the 2014 election, Gerindra earned 14,760,371 votes or 11.81 percent of the total valid votes in 33 provinces of 124,972,491 votes.
Previously, 34 Regional Leadership Council (DPD) Gerindra Party gathered at Hotel Doubletree, Cikini, Central Jakarta. It was at once to request that the DPP Gerindra Party to make a declaration of Chairman Prabowo Subianto as a presidential candidate in 2019.
Chairman of DPD Party Gerindra DKI Muhammad Taufik asserted, if all DPD Gerindra Party agreed to support Prabowo become Presidential candidate for the period 2019-2024. “We agreed to nominate Pak Prabowo as a presidential candidate,” said Taufik, Cikini, Central Jakarta, Monday (12/3).
Therefore, he wanted the DPP Gerindra quickly to issue a declaration or declare Prabowo as a candidate. He also confessed, if the determination made by all DPD also because of the insistence of the community.
In addition, Chairman of DPD Gerindra Central Sulawesi, Longki Djanggola said that all DPD Gerindra Party was ready for won Prabowo as Presidential Candidate in 2019-2024. “We are ready to help and win Mr. Prabowo,” Longki said.
In response, the Chairman of DPP Gerindra Field Organization and Membership Prasetyo Hadi confessed that DPP grateful to all DPD Gerindra Party that definitely and agreed to carry Prabowo as Capres 2019.
He also promised to immediately deliver the message to Prabowo. Prasetyo also wants Prabowo to come forward as Presidential Candidate 2019 to receive the party’s mandate.
“This mandate will soon be conveyed to him, hoping that will be willing to accept and be ready to carry out the mandate of all Gerindra cadres in Indonesia,” he said.
In addition, Chairman of DPP Gerindra, Habiburokhman Advocacy Sector admitted optimistic that Prabowo will be willing to become presidential candidates in the 2019 election. Moreover Prabowo has been supported by all DPD Gerindra Party.
He also wants all the participants of Presidential Candidates 2019, to prioritize more on the process and the way in accordance with the existing rules and traces. ” We do not want any cheats and power abuse instead we want honorable contestation, “said Habiburokhman.

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