The Candidates of DPD Have Less of Women

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Reporter : IkhsanMadjido

KAILIPOST.COM,- A total of 26 individual candidates of the 2019 legislative elections or the Regional Representatives Council (“DPD”) had submitted the terms of support to the Central Sulawesi Provincial Election Commission (“KPU”). From the 30 people who took the DPD form and signed up from April 22 to April 26, only 26 people registered again and zero percent of women who register into individual candidate. 
“There are four people who had come to take the registration form, one of them NurmawatiDewiBantilan, until the deadline for registration (26/4/2018) at 24.00 WITA, did not come to the KPU office carrying the support conditions,” explained KPU Commissioner,DrNisbah, in Palu, Friday (4/27/2018).
KPU gave a letter of receipt to the 26 candidates, indicating that the relevant support requirements have been declared complete, after having conducted research conducted by KPU officials.
The completeness of the intended support requirements, either in the form of hard copy of ID card support or in soft copy form that has been uploaded in Information System of Individual Election Contestant (“SIPPP”). “The terms of support at least 2,000 voters and distribution support at least 7 districts/cities in Central Sulawesi or 50 percent,” said Nisbah.
The terms of support submitted hereafter on 27 April to 10 May 2018 will verify the minimum amount of support and distribution as well as administrative verification and multiple support analysis.
Previously, the Chairman of KPU for Central Sulawesi,SahranRaden said that the support of identity card (“KTP”) or suket should not be falsified, same or double in one village area. KPU gave an internal double support. If there is a finding, then there are sanctions that apply to prospective candidates in question. 
The internal doubles in question are identical double where there are similarities of identity such as name, NIK, gender, age and address, in the same village. This is what can be sanctioned.
“If found, then the sanction of votes amount will be reduced by 50 for every single double vote. If there are two, it will be reduced 100,” he explained.
There is also a double identity potential, such as the same NIK but has different urban villages and external doubles between candidates. This type of double data will not be disrupted.
Meanwhile, one of the candidates, Andi Vivaldy said he was ready to be verified factual, on the amount of support submitted to the KPU.
“Starting this Monday, our team moves to remote villages to meet the people.The field team is divided into 3 consisting of youth leaders, community leaders and families,” said Andi who is known as the tagline “AnakGunungMenujuSenayan”. **

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