The Quality of Foreign Lecturers And Local is Not Far

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Reporter : Yohanes Clemens
KAILIPOST.COM,- PALU- MINISTRY OF Research and technology research (Kemenristekdikti) Republic of Indonesia (RI) is planned to invite foreign lecturers to Indonesia. In response, the Rector of University of Tadulako (Untad), Prof. Dr. Muh Basir Cyio see universities in Indonesia, especially in Central Sulawesi (Central Sulawesi), not to worry about the plan. He emphasized that the quality of foreign lecturers is not much different from the quality of local lecturers. “I told the lecturers there is nothing to worry about,” said Rector Basir.
Prof Basir added that they came at the invitation and funded by the state. “Therefore, there may be special consideration from the government, related to this plan.For me, this plan should not be feared,” explained Prof Basir.
Moreover, the polemic related to the planned invitation of foreign lecturers to Indonesia revolves around the polemic about the high salary of foreign lecturers and what benefits will foreign lecturers provide for education in Indonesia. Thus I hope, the entry of this foreign lecturer, can improve the quality of education in Indonesia.
“I say this is difficult in our society, which tends to be reactive with existing policies. For me, we try first this year, next year we evaluate. If there is a significant development, it should be continued, “he explained. For the Rector of Untad, the evaluation of Kemenristek Dikti policy, unlike reversing the palm of the hand, takes a relatively long time to see the results.
“Related competition between foreign lecturers and local lecturers, in my opinion, this outside lecturer has its own portion and will not bring competition with local lecturers,” he said. Kemenristek Dikti plans to invite foreign lecturers to Indonesia, previously had time to reap the pros and cons. The presence of world class lecturers is considered to threaten the existence of local lecturers, including salaries that are considered quite lame, reaching 4000 US Dollars or approximately Rp 52 million per month.** 

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