Santri Ceremony Above The Sea

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Report by/Poso: Ishaq Hakim
A LOT OF 500 Students from Yayasan Fadhila Alkhairaat Tegal Rejo and the residents
held a ceremony for the 73rd Anniversary of the Independence of the Republic of
Indonesia (RI) over the Poso Sea where the ceremonies above the sea are carried
out so that students as the nation’s next generation, can better interpret the
importance of the struggle and foster a sense of love for the sea.

The ceremony began at 7:00 am and the center was centered on the beach
of Tegal Rejo, Poso Kota Utara Sub-district or precisely at the location of the
santri foundation of the Fadhila Alkhairaat Foundation. The participants of the
ceremony used sarongs and songkok, the santri together with the residents
attended the ceremony while soaking in the sea water with a depth of about
sixty centimeters.

In addition to being attended by the students, there were also
Bhabinkamtibmas Tegalrejo, Bripka Ahmad Fuad, Babinsa Tegalrejo and dozens of
mothers with Muslim clothing who participated in the solemn ceremony over the
sea. The process of raising the red and white flag made by the santri runs
smoothly without any obstacles, even though they have to resist the cold sea
water in the morning.

In the ceremony, besides singing the Indonesian national song, the
santri together with the Tegalrejo people then read the pledge of the students’
loyalty to the Republic of Indonesia. Ustad Samsul Muarief, the founder of the
Fadhila Foundation orphanage, said that if the ceremony above the sea is
carried out as a form of fostering the love of the santri towards the sea and
the homeland.

According to Samsul, besides that the students and citizens are one in
the homeland and one in the nation who understands the importance of the
Republic of Indonesia fighters. “Surely we are all one here who loves the
homeland, one of the flavors which then fell together in the wet sea to carry
out the ceremony of the 73rd Republic of Indonesia’s Independence Hut,”
Samsul told the media, Friday, 17 August, 2018.

At the end of the 73rd Indonesian Hut ceremony, the students also
prayed for the Indonesian state to be peaceful, safe and not divided which was
then followed by the planting of coral reefs. Meanwhile in this activity it was
also attended by the Poso Ministry of Religion, the Secretary of the Poso
Alkhairaat Commission, Ibrahim Ismail, the Poso Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), Ustad
Ustami Idris, the STAI Poso Campus and the Poso PMII.**

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