Longki on one-sided Issues Decision!: OJK

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Reporter: Dedy

CENTRAL Sulawesi Financial Services Authority (OJK)
assessed the Governor of Central Sulawesi Longki Djanggolaas a one-sided  issued a 
letter Number: 491/099 / RO.HP, on Tuesday 26 February 2019 regarding
the suspension of payment of bank loans and leasing loans.
The governor should have negotiated with the OJK
and a number of agencies authorized to make decisions and subsequently made a
letter of appeal to the community
“This unilateral letter of appeal is issued
by the governor, unless the decision letter is carried out together with
cross-agency and authorized stakeholders. We also cannot forbid the governor
from issuing the letter, because the governor has discretionary rights,
“explained Wahyu Krisnanto, OJK Central Sulawesi Education and Consumer
Protection Sector, Wednesday (03/13/2019).
Regarding the appeal issued by the Governor of
Central Sulawesi, his party was unable to give a response too in the matter of
the suspension, because it was approved and also related to special policies
such as reforestation, the postponement until the disaster was in the office of
the central OJK.
Wahyu also said, for now the letter of suspension
issued was being closed by the central OJK office, because the suspension in
the contents of the letter, for example for three years for banks was
considered to be at risk.
“If the suspension is given three years of
banking in the city of Palu, it can close. Therefore, our office in Jakarta is
very careful to discuss this with the directors of state-owned banks, private
banks, financing, pawnshops and so on,”
said Wahyu Krisnanto.
Meanwhile, when the letter was not responded to by
the financing party, inviting complaints from a number of people in Palu City,
Rahmat, for example, felt a little helped, but the bank wrote to April that
they should actively re-arrange loans that had been delayed.

“At first, I was relieved by the Governor’s
appeal. In one week’s time, I was told by the banks that in April I had to pay
six months
Rahmat said.

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