Waiting for ‘Code’ of Facilitator

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Stimulant Disburse 
Reporter: Firmansyah Lawawi

THE STIMULANT Fund promised by the central government for victims of natural
disasters in Palu City, Sigi, Donggala and Parigi-Moutong (Pasidomu) who have
lost their homes, has yet to be given.

Apparently, in the process of liquefaction is not as easy and simple as
thought. Especially in the city of Palu alone, the long road to the
disbursement process is still in the stage of verification of damaged house
data which is expected to be completed in June 2019.

The disbursement is still very likely through personal accounts of
receiving assistance, not through group accounts (Pokmas).

According to the Head of the Palu City Public Works Office, Iskandar
Arsyad, even though it was disbursed through a personal account, the funds
could not be immediately disbursed.

Residents must wait for a facilitator team coordinated by PUPR to draft
a budget.

“The distribution will still be in the form of cash and phases to
the community. However, the disbursement awaits recommendations from the
facilitator or support team. The facilitator will verify and re-validate the
house to be reconstructed. After that, an estimate of how much funds will be
allocated,” Iskandar said, Tuesday (3/19/2019).

Technically, Iskandar revealed that the use of Stimulant funds must be
in accordance with the needs of the building material to be reconstructed. Like
the residents’ houses suffered heavy damage. As per the allocation of funds
from the government as many as 50 million.

After calculating the amount of funds to purchase building materials,
it turns out there is an excess budget, the funds will be returned to the
government again.

“For example, it is known from the results of calculations between
facilitators and the community, that the total budget for the construction of
the house is 35 million, which means that the stimulus funds are not used as
much as 15 million. The rest of the money will be returned to the
government,” he explained.

If the total needs of the stimulant funds are insufficient to repair a
heavily damaged, medium or light house, the facilitator will adjust the
calculation of the use of the budget. So that it can be in accordance with the
amount of funds set by the government.

For the budget allocation, the house is severely damaged, said
Iskandar, amounting to 50 million per unit, while 25 million, slightly damaged,
15 million.

He added, the disbursement of Stimulant funds used a community group
pattern (Pokmas) mechanism such as in one kelurahan, formed by a group of
fifteen people. Then the chairman and treasurer are formed. Disbursement of
funds only through one account.

“The description, one facilitator will oversee about fifty people.
The facilitator is coordinated by the TNI,” said Iskandar.

Regarding the polemic of the people who have built their houses using
their own budgets, without waiting for the disbursement of Stimulant funds,
Iskandar claimed that this was not his authority. The policy maker is BNPB.

“Yesterday the Governor of Central Sulawesi met with the Vice
President to discuss the matter. Data from the city government was also
submitted. We just wait for the results of the meeting,” he said.

Regarding the disbursement schedule for Stimulant funds, Iskandar
Arsyad admitted that this was not the authority of his party.

“For when the disbursement of Stimulant funds is not our
authority. Try asking the BNPB. Because they have gawean,” he said.**

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