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Longki Suggests Faisal Mang & Ansyhari

KAILIPOST.COM,- Last night,  the editors received a letter contained Governor Longki Djanggola had recommended two names for the proposed political party to be a successor to the late Sudarto. The two names are Faisal Mang and Dr. Ansyhari Arsyad. Both names are recommended in accordance with No. 122/230 / Ro.OTDA dated December 02, 2017 which was signed directly by the governor. Counted already 20 days ago proposed by governor.

As it is known, currently Faisal Mang is the Administrative Assistant of Government Law and Politics Regional Secretariat of Central Sulawesi. While Dr Ansyhari Arsyad is a retired Head of Central Sulawesi Health Office.

As reported earlier, 07 December 2017, Governor Longki Djanggola stressed to Kaili Post that he will return to discussing the deputy governor candidate with his political party bearer with the late Sudarto in the second or third week of December. ” I will discuss in the second and third week of December, ” wrote Governor at WhattsApp to the editorial.

According to him, the delegation of candidates for Vice Governor was re-done since previously had been rejected by the election committee of DPRD Central Sulawesi will be re-done after the priority regional process has been finished in 2017. The governor also rejected that the discussion was not due to pressure from outside parties . ” Moreover, the insistence of a coffee shop, ” said Longki.

For future Vice Governor candidates, it depends on the agreement of the political party of the bearer. As governor himself will also propose some of the non-political party individuals.  ” As a governor,  I will also propose some names that are non-political party and hopefully can be accepted and approved by the party bearer, ” wrote the governor again.

Who are the non-partisan names? The governor was reluctant to answer again. he also has not provided the impetus or command to a particular person or group to become Vice Governor. ” Nothing in my mind was that. But do not know if there is a name already in the party bearer, ” wrote the other governor Longki.

On that occasion, Longki also gave clarification about the submission of Vice Governor Candidates, one which was rejected by Election Committee of DPRD Central Sulawesi. According to him, the stalwart party did not reach an agreement to carry two candidates. But the staging party still proposes three names. ” Of course it is not eligible for elected members of parliament, ” wrote the governor. ***

Reporter : Andono Wibisono

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