Campaign Fund With Maximum Rp8,1 M

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Reporter : Ikhsan Madjido

KAILIPOST.COM,- DONGGALA- THE GENERAL Election Commission (KPU) of Donggala has set a campaign fund for candidates for regents and vice regent candidates amounting to Rp8.1 billion. “We have set for the campaign funds in Donggala District in 2018 amounting to Rp8, 1 billion,” said Chairman of KPU Donggala, Mohamad Saleh, Thursday (15/2).
Saleh narrated the limitation of spending on campaign funds by taking into account on the couple’s campaign methods, the number of campaign activities, and the regional cost standards. In addition, the campaign materials of regent and vice regent couples are needed, geographic area coverage and conditions, logistics and campaign management or consultants.
Taking into account all that, the KPU of Donggala stipulated through a decision on the determination of restrictions on campaign funding expenditure on the elections of the Regent and Vice Regent of Donggala 2018.
“The decision is stated in the Decision of Donggala District General Elections Commission Number 37 /HK.03.1-Kpt/02/KPU.Kab/II/2018, About Limitation of Campaign Fund Expenditure,” he said. The decision said Saleh has come into force on February 13, 2018 and then, as stated in the decree. “The decision has been effective since the date of its stipulation that is February 13, 2018,” he explained.
It explains, possibly, the budget will be most widely used for the purposes of the general meeting because it involves a lot of mass, i.e a maximum of 15,000 people per candidate pair.
In addition, during the general rally campaign, candidate pairs may also provide transportation assistance to supporters. But it is not given in the form of money, rather in the form of goods, including fuel coupons, shopping coupons, and so forth.
Saleh explained that the campaign cost of Rp8.1 billion was also in accordance with the regional fair price indicator. “That means that’s the maximum limit. If there is a case where a certain candidate pair can only finance his campaign of Rp500 million, is fine, “he said. He added that the funding limitation of this campaign is a new thing because it was only applied during the elections simultaneously.
Meanwhile, according to KPU Regulation No. 5 of 2017, campaign fund donations sourced from candidate pairs are not restricted. Only, donations sourced from political parties, a combination of political parties, groups or legal entities to candidate pairs are limited to no more than Rp750 million. While donations from individuals can not be more than Rp75 million.
In addition to campaign funding, the implementation of each candidate pair on general meeting is also scheduled once during the campaign period from 15 February to 23 June. The Vera-Taufik couple took their turn on April 19th on the Toya, Anita-Abdul Rahman football field on June 21 at the Tambu football field and at the end of the June 22 campaign, the Kasman Lassa-Moh partner. Yasin will be campaigning on the Sioyong football field. In order to reach a wider society, candidate pair could be through limited meetings as much as 53 times with a mass involving a thousand people. “Later on,  candidate pairs conduct a rotational campaign,” he concluded.** 

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